
In the dynamic world of mobile app development, two platforms dominate the market: Android and iOS. Both offer unique advantages and challenges, and deciding on which platform to develop for a crucial one for businesses and developers alike. One of the most significant factors in this decision-making process is cost. Understanding the cost differences between Android and iOS app development can help stakeholders make informed decisions that align with their budgets and goals. In this blog, we will delve into the current market statistics for both platforms in 2024 and compare the costs associated with developing apps for Android and iOS.

Current Market Stats 2024: Android

As of 2024, Android continues to hold a substantial share of the global mobile operating system market. According to recent reports, Android maintains a market share of approximately 71.5%, making it the most widely used mobile OS globally. This dominance is particularly strong in regions such as Asia, Africa, and South America, where Android devices are preferred for their affordability and diverse range of options.

Key statistics for Android in 2024 include:

  • Market Share: 71.5%
  • App Downloads: Over 140 billion downloads from the Google Play Store annually
  • Revenue: Google Play Store revenue expected to reach $60 billion
  • User Demographics: Broad user base with a significant presence in emerging markets
  • Device Diversity: Wide range of devices from budget to high-end smartphones and tablets

Android’s open-source nature and vast device ecosystem contribute to its extensive reach. However, this diversity also presents challenges for developers in terms of ensuring compatibility and optimizing performance across various devices.

Current Market Stats 2024: iOS

iOS, Apple’s proprietary mobile operating system, holds a smaller yet highly lucrative share of the global market. As of 2024, iOS commands approximately 27.8% of the market. Despite its smaller share, iOS is particularly strong in North America, Europe, and other developed regions where Apple’s brand loyalty and premium devices are more prevalent.

Key statistics for iOS in 2024 include:

  • Market Share: 27.8%
  • App Downloads: Over 30 billion downloads from the Apple App Store annually
  • Revenue: Apple App Store revenue expected to surpass $90 billion
  • User Demographics: Higher income user base with a strong presence in developed markets
  • Device Uniformity: A limited number of devices leading to a more uniform user experience

iOS users are often considered more willing to spend on apps and in-app purchases, contributing to higher revenue figures despite the lower market share. Apple’s controlled ecosystem and strict app review process also ensure a consistent and high-quality user experience.

Android vs. iOS App Development Cost: Which is Cheaper

Before you hire Android app developers or iOS app developers you should consider these points. When it comes to app development, the cost can be influenced by various factors including design complexity, feature set, development time, and maintenance. Let’s break down the cost differences between Android and iOS app development across several key aspects:

Development Environment and Tools

  • Android: Android app development primarily uses Java or Kotlin and the Android Studio IDE. The open-source nature of Android provides a plethora of tools and libraries, many of which are free. However, the diversity of devices can require extensive testing and optimization, potentially increasing development time and cost.
  • iOS: iOS app development utilizes Swift or Objective-C and Xcode as the primary development environment. Apple’s ecosystem is more closed, and while the tools are highly integrated and efficient, they are available only on macOS. This may necessitate the purchase of Mac hardware, adding to initial costs.

Design and User Interface

  • Android: The wide range of screen sizes and resolutions in the Android ecosystem requires developers to create adaptable and responsive designs. This can lead to increased design and testing efforts, potentially raising costs.
  • iOS: Apple’s limited number of devices means that design efforts can be more focused. iOS apps generally follow a more uniform design language, which can streamline the design process and reduce costs.

Development Time and Complexity

  • Android: The fragmentation of the Android platform means developers must ensure compatibility with numerous devices and OS versions. This can result in longer development times and increased costs due to the need for extensive testing and optimization.
  • iOS: The relatively uniform environment of iOS devices can lead to faster development times. Developers can focus on optimizing for a smaller range of devices and OS versions, potentially reducing costs.

App Store Fees and Approval Process

  • Android: Google Play Store charges a one-time registration fee of $25 for developer accounts. The app approval process is generally quicker and less stringent, allowing for faster time-to-market.
  • iOS: The Apple App Store charges an annual developer fee of $99. The approval process is more rigorous and can take longer, potentially delaying the app launch and increasing costs if multiple revisions are required.

Maintenance and Updates

  • Android: The diversity of devices and OS versions can make maintenance and updates more complex and costly. Developers must frequently release updates to ensure compatibility and performance across the broad spectrum of devices.
  • iOS: The controlled ecosystem of iOS means that maintenance and updates are generally simpler and less frequent. Appleā€™s users tend to adopt new OS versions quickly, reducing the need for backward compatibility and extensive testing.

Market Reach and Revenue Potential

  • Android: While Android’s larger market share offers a broader audience, the revenue potential per user is typically lower compared to iOS. This can impact the overall return on investment for Android app development.
  • iOS: Despite a smaller market share, iOS users tend to spend more on apps and in-app purchases. This higher revenue potential can offset higher initial development costs and lead to a better return on investment.

Total Cost Estimation

Considering all these factors, it’s challenging to declare a clear winner in terms of cost. The total cost of developing an app for Android or iOS can vary significantly based on the project’s specific requirements and target audience. However, general trends suggest:

  • Android: May have lower initial development costs due to the availability of free tools and resources. However, the ongoing maintenance and testing costs can be higher due to device fragmentation.
  • iOS: Often involves higher initial costs due to the need for Mac hardware and the annual developer fee. However, the streamlined development process and higher revenue potential can balance these costs over time.


In the debate of Android vs. iOS app development cost, there is no definitive answer to which is cheaper. The decision should be based on a thorough analysis of your target audience, project requirements, and long-term goals. Android offers a broader market reach with potentially higher maintenance costs, while iOS provides a more uniform development environment with higher revenue potential. You can hire iOS app developers to build iOS apps for your projects.

By understanding the nuances of each platform, businesses and developers can make informed decisions that optimize their budgets and maximize their return on investment. Whether you choose Android, iOS, or both, focusing on delivering a high-quality user experience will ultimately drive the success of your app.

5 FAQs

  1. Which platform is cheaper for initial app development, Android or iOS?
    • Initial app development can be cheaper for Android due to the availability of free tools and resources. However, this can vary based on project complexity and requirements.
  2. Do iOS apps generate more revenue than Android apps?
    • Generally, iOS apps tend to generate more revenue per user through app purchases and in-app transactions, despite having a smaller market share.
  3. Why is Android app maintenance more costly?
    • The diversity of Android devices and OS versions requires more extensive testing and updates to ensure compatibility, leading to higher maintenance costs.
  4. Is the app approval process more stringent for iOS or Android?
    • The iOS app approval process is more stringent and can take longer compared to Android, which has a quicker and less rigorous approval process.
  5. Can I develop an app for both Android and iOS simultaneously?
    • Yes, many businesses choose to develop apps for both platforms to maximize their reach. This approach can be more costly but offers access to a broader audience.