Death is always difficult, and the natural thing to do after a loved one has passed away is to spend some time grieving and honoring their memory. While it’s important to do both those things, if you suspect there has been a wrongful death, it’s equally important to get started on the legal process of bringing a claim as quickly as possible. When you contact a wrongful death lawyer in Houston, your lawyer can take care of many of the details, so you can focus on your grief and your family.

From a Wrongful Death Lawyer in Houston: Steps to Take After a Wrongful Death

While you may be anxious to put the entire incident behind you, taking action is important. For one thing, it holds the negligent party accountable, which is not only just but also serves as a warning to others, which can save lives in the future. 

In addition, an unexpected death can often be very expensive for the family. You may have spent enormous amounts on medical care trying to save your loved one’s life, and then there are funeral and burial costs and the unexpected loss of income. Learn more here about other elements that may be important to your case and how your lawyer can help.

Contact a Wrongful Death Attorney

The most important first step is to talk to an attorney. An attorney can tell you pretty quickly whether you have grounds for a legal action under Texas law and get the legal process started quickly.

Your attorney can also advise you on what evidence will be needed to prove the wrongful death and often will be able to investigate and gather much of this evidence for you. You may also need an attorney to help you understand whether you are qualified to file a claim at all, what kind of benefits you may be entitled to, and if there are any special challenges you need to be aware of.

Gather Documents

Right from the beginning, start keeping every document that has any connection whatsoever with your loved one’s death. Even if you’re not sure whether the document is important, just keep it anyway. Make copies of everything and keep it all safe and accessible. 

Some of the documents that you will definitely need will include all bills and medical records and bills for funeral services and any other expenses that were incurred. You may also need paychecks and bank deposit records to show the regular earnings of the deceased, employment contracts, insurance or retirement plan information, and any documentation that shows the effect of the death on your family. For example, if you have had to seek counseling for trauma or have had to make a change in employment to cover an unexpected loss of income, keep all these records.

Get a Copy of the Death Certificate

Finally, be sure to get a copy of the death certificate, and you may wish to order a few extra copies just in case. You may need to provide copies to various other entities, such as credit card companies or banks if you need to close out an account, and you want to have a copy for yourself and to give to your lawyer for your case. 
If you’ve experienced the wrongful death of a loved one, don’t wait too long to get help. Be sure to contact a lawyer as soon as possible and get justice for you and your loved one.