Readymade Meals

Readymade Meals – Modern man’s lifestyle dictates more convenience and less healthiness regarding the food that they take during the course of the day. Fast food products have settled into society especially to the working people who are in need of quick solutions to their hunger. From the Commercial Fridge at your local grocery store to the frozen food aisle, these pre-packaged options are readily available but often fall short in providing the essential nutrients our bodies need for optimal health. Such strategies are, however, lack versatility that enables one to get the right nutrient needed in the body for proper functioning. Fortunately, there are several ways to increase the nutritional value of ready-made meals several times and not worsen their taste and quality.

Add a Handful of Fresh Leafy Greens:

The simplest and one of the most efficient strategies in increasing the nutrient density of your readymade meals is through the addition of fresh vegetables such as leafy greens. Add a few of spinach, kale, arugula or mixed salad for a handful to your portion size. Cruciferous vegetables are packed with vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid, and flavonoids iron. They also add a good portion of fiber, which is helpful in digestion and, in turn, helps one stick to a full feeling for longer.

Sprinkle on Some Seeds or Nuts: 

Another great means of adding value to your readymade meals in as far as their nutritional value is concerned is you adding seeds, and or nuts. This is loaded with sound fats, protein as well as fiber nutrients and minerals. Including things like chia seeds, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, or walnuts will only increase the amount of nutrients in your meal. For example, chia seeds contain omega-3 unsaturated fats, fiber and calcium; almonds – vitamin E, magnesium and protein.

Incorporate Colorful Vegetables: 

Adding new types of brightly colored vegetables to your readymade meals is a very effective step to increase the nutritional value and, of course, the esthetic appeal of the ready dishes. Vivid colored vegetables contain different vital supplements and cell reinforcement compounds. For example, red ringer peppers are loaded with L-ascorbic acid, orange carrots are stacked with beta-carotene and purple eggplants contain anthocynins. Consolidating a portion of this splendid shaded vegetables in your dish goes farther than simply animating hunger yet additionally works on the supplement thickness of the pre-arranged feast.

Boost Protein with Legumes or Eggs: 

A lot of take-out meals may be low in protein, an essential macronutrient necessary in the processes like muscle build-up, immune response and other essential body functions. One way of handling this is by including legumes in your plate or eating an egg. Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and other nuts and seeds are excellent sources of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. They are a great finishing touch for sandwiches and salads, pasta, rice, and quinoa dishes.

Drizzle with Healthy Oils or Dressings: 

The final stage to take on enhancing your readymade meals nutritionally is to finally dress them up with healthy oils or homemade dressings. For example, extra-virgin olive oil contains high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants beneficial to the heart. Avocado oil, for instance, should be taken due to its high content of oleic acid content while walnut oil is preferred for its omega 3 fatty acids content. Apart from enhancing the taste of food, a mixture of olive oil, lemon juice together with herbs assists in promoting the digestion and intake of fat-soluble vitamins from the vegetables in the meal.


Making nutrient dense ready to plate meals is not a cumbersome exercise, but a relatively easy endeavor. These five basic steps – adding more greens; incorporating seeds or nuts; including colorful vegetables; improving protein with legumes or eggs; and dressing up with health; promote the conversion of your convenient meals into easily digestible, satisfying dishes. Visit Carmenton for more informative blogs.